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Why Global Citizens Should Care The UN’s Global Goals include Goal 5 for gender equality. We believe that citizen action is a vital path to achieving true global gender equality,...
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SAP, the world’s largest provider of enterprise application software, has joined Business Call to Action (BCtA) with an aim to cater to the needs of different market segments, including small and mid-sized...
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Please read Whole Planet Foundation and Microfinance Partners Respond to the COVID-19 Crisis. In 2020, Naked and KeVita have committed $150,000 to Whole Planet Foundation to fund microloans for people living...
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Created by Beautiful News The history of Jagersfontein is rooted in mining. One of the oldest prospecting towns in South Africa, it was the site of discovery of two of...
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It all started when Lua Oliveira noticed a mother telling her daughter she couldn’t afford to buy her a book. Source: World Economic Forum | Agenda | feed
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The report stresses the need to prioritize water in climate actions and emphasize it as a top priority for adaptation in most nationally determined contributions (NDCs). It argues that water...
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Why Global Citizens Should Care Adding green roofs and solar panels helps make cities more sustainable, and reduces the greenhouse gas emissions that drive climate change. The United Nations considers sustainable...
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By Syed Muhammad Abubakar GOJAL VALLEY, Pakistan, March 29 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) — Shovel in hand, Naila Shah regularly walks two miles from her home to a newly planted apple orchard,...
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Why Global Citizens Should Care  People, just like Sarah Humphreys, who take action on the issues they can about bring the world one step closer to ending extreme poverty by...
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Nearly 100 critically endangered sea turtles have been born on a deserted beach in Brazil, their first steps going almost unnoticed because of a coronavirus lockdown prohibiting people from gathering...
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