Good Health and Well-Being

Sustainable Development Goal
Why Global Citizens Should Care Tuberculosis disproportionately impacts people living in the world’s poorest nations. Global Citizen is currently calling on Australia to make an increased commitment at the upcoming...
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Why Global Citizens Should Care Across the world, 2.3 billion people lack basic sanitation. The Global Goals challenge all countries to ensure universal access to sanitation by 2030. You can...
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At their workshop in a Kampala suburb, Lawrence Okettayot and his business partner, both in their mid-20s, drilled holes and screws into a steel-lined, green wooden box designed to dry...
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Developed as part of the Social and Political Drivers Action Area of the UN Climate Action Summit, the Initiative seeks to simultaneously mitigate climate change, reduce air pollution and promote...
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The EU has taken a “pivotal step” towards addressing the deforestation caused by its consumption of soy, chocolate, meat and other products, environmental campaigners have said. The EU said this...
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Asia has undergone unparalleled economic growth in the last 30 years. This massive wave of development, however, has put a strain on the region’s natural resources and presented long-term risks...
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Why Global Citizens Should Care Global Citizen campaigns on the UN Global Goals including Goal 3 for good health and wellbeing, which is aimed at ensuring access to quality healthcare...
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Over a billion people around the world lack reliable access to essential medical products, and disparities between urban and rural areas are a common challenge. Will Hetzler, co-founder of Zipline...
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Giving more support to survivors of modern slavery and allowing them to remain in Britain for a year could boost the economy by millions of pounds, university researchers said on...
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