The SEWF Chain Reaction series is back. From the UK to Indonesia, Sri Lanka to South Africa, we’re connecting social entrepreneurs from across the globe through a series of interviews...Read More
Female-Led Teams Create Products That Advance Sustainable Development Goal 5: Achieve Gender Equality The 2018 Solver Class at MIT Solve includes four women-led teams that advance the UN Sustainable Development Goal...Read More
IOC-UNESCO and ISA have joined forces to achieve shared objectives, such as improving mapping of the seabed and enhancing ocean observing networks. By building inclusive, innovative and transformative partnerships, IOC-UNESCO...Read More
The World Forum on Climate Justice, organized by Elsevier, in partnership with the Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU) Centre for Climate Justice, will bring together civil society groups, academics, business representatives...Read More
An international team is using advanced tools to develop crops that give farmers more options for sustainably producing more food on less land. To do this, thousands of plant prototypes...Read More
Fifty organizations signed the Declaration on Gender Responsive Standards at a “no fly” signing ceremony that aimed to limit transportation-related emissions. Signatories pledge to make standards and standards development gender...Read More
Ashoka Fellows, with host James Fallows, share surprising insights on rural innovation with an audience in Washington, D.C. (broadcast nationally). The discussion is part of the Welcome Change insights series, Ashoka’s national tour...Read More
The 2030 Agenda is potentially transformative, but realizing this potential requires profound change in many arenas, including research and research support systems, and the unsustainable practices and values that underpin...Read More
Why Global Citizens Should Care The UN’s Global Goals include several goals for protecting the environment and producing food sustainably, from Goal 14 and 15 for protecting life below water...Read More
Why Global Citizens Should Care Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer among women in most countries worldwide. There were over 2 million cases of breast cancer last year....Read More
The Forum’s second day focused on the role of youth in countering and preventing violent extremism. Participants emphasized the importance of ensuring youth voices at the policy level to engage...Read More
The Action Plan will create inclusive livelihood and business opportunities in sustainable fisheries and tourism, protect and restore coastal and marine ecosystems and rivers, reduce land-based sources of marine pollution,...Read More