By giving economic value to forests, we can enhance our sustainability efforts as well as our business. That was Domtar CEO John D. Williams’ message at a New York University Stern School of Business event in March. NYU’s Center for Sustainable Business hosted leading academics, investors, corporate sustainability executives and nonprofit leaders to discuss how companies assess sustainability ROI (return on investment).

At the event, Emily Chasan, sustainable finance editor at Bloomberg News, asked Williams several questions about how companies can identify, track and monetize sustainability returns driven by innovation, operational efficiency, employee engagement, brand enhancement and risk mitigation, and how those efforts can lead to better decision-making by the C-suite and investors.

Click here to learn why Domtar emphasizes the importance of leaders making sustainability ROI a priority.

Tweet me: .@DomtarEveryday CEO John D. Williams says #sustainability must be a top priority for businesses even though the ROI is a challenge to quantify. Watch his interview with @Bloomberg News to see how companies can track sustainability returns

Source: Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability and Cause Marketing News