(Photo by Karsten Würth (@karsten.wuerth) on Unsplash)

Delivered on Fridays, B the Change Weekly delivers the most important and most relevant stories about people using business as a force for good. The newsletter features a weekly note from the B the Change team alongside insight and context on the stories we share here on Medium. Below is our latest roundup. To receive these insights directly in your inbox, sign up for B the Change Weekly today. Now on to the good stuff:

A recent U.N. report had stark warnings of the effects of the climate crisis on the world’s food supply: More than 500 million people live in areas affected by erosion linked to climate change and more than 800 million people are food insecure, yet nearly a third of the global food supply is wasted or lost. As the U.N. report notes, business leaders must play a role in confronting and resolving these and other environmental challenges.

Among those answering this call to action on the climate crisis are the community of Certified B Corporations. This week, we highlight innovators and their partners who are taking the lead through a shift to a regenerative food and land-use system, a rapid transition to 100% clean and renewable energy, and other business practices that protect our planet’s future.

Is your business looking for ideas on making a positive environmental impact? Check this free online report from B Lab that compiles articles and resources to help your business become a climate leader. Whether you work at a large company or an agency, get inspired to do more today.

Time for B Corps to Lead

As the source of most of the planet’s greenhouse gases, the business sector is uniquely culpable for the climate crisis and, as B Lab’s Kim Coupounas writes on B the Change, therefore responsible for taking the lead in eliminating emissions and drawing down carbon as rapidly as possible.

B Corps are recognizing that they can do much more together than alone and are putting B Corp values, and their hopes and vision for a better world, into collective action.

Planting the Seeds for Sustainable Food Systems

As agriculture’s role in the climate crisis draws greater attention, B Corps are creating change by re-examining best practices in food sourcing, utilizing regenerative organic growing methods, and collaborating with like-minded advocates and producers on innovative solutions.

On B the Change, read how Best For The World honorees in the sustainable food and drink industry are nurturing a better future for our planet through their everyday operations.

Turning a Negative into a Climate Net-Positive

Some businesses have started doing the work to slow environmental damage and eventually reverse it to help ensure a cleaner planet, and some are going beyond by working toward net-positive environmental impact.

By recognizing the impact of their operations, these Best For The World honorees are addressing global issues and reducing their reliance on the Earth.

Stay in the Know

Here’s your chance to catch up on all the good stuff we shared this week:

B the Change gathers and shares the voices from within the movement of people using business as a force for good and the community of Certified B Corporations. The opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the nonprofit B Lab.

Business Can Lead on Addressing the Climate Crisis was originally published in B the Change on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Source: B the Change