Liza Moiseeva and Her Mission-Driven Company GlobeIn Open Doors and Build Connections for Remarkable Artisans Worldwide

Liza Moiseeva is the co-founder and CMO of GlobeIn, a fair trade subscription box and ethical online marketplace showcasing creations by artisans around the world.

With GlobeIn, Moiseeva has managed to create tremendous impact through building a deeply connected community around the brand. From model to marketing, her business works to give opportunity to artisan groups globally and build deep connections with mindful digital consumers who appreciate their work. GlobeIn strives to empower and support these artists, some of whose art forms are rapidly vanishing, providing a path for them to preserve their art and to thrive, find success, and take care of themselves, their families, and their communities.

Liza Moiseeva, co-founder and CMO of GlobeIn.

As a talented entrepreneur with a history in the nonprofit and social good sector, Moiseeva attributes much of her success to the power of the type of community building she has worked hard to infuse into GlobeIn. From running meetups with like-minded people to interactive Facebook Lives, a strong community has always been at the heart of Moiseeva’s achievements.

In this episode of the Grow Ensemble podcast, we get to hear about GlobeIn’s origin story, Moiseeva’s journey in the social good space, and her invigorating perspective on community and growth through the context of GlobeIn. Moiseeva also dives in and breaks down the fundamentals she believes has been key to GlobeIn’s success, having managed to navigate a competitive industry while still promoting sustainable consumption, build a network of passionate and engaged customers, and create powerful, lasting change for artisan groups around the world.

Want more episodes on impactful businesses in the ethical fashion space? Listen to:
Bonus material: Get the full show notes and extras for this episode.

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Co-Founder Moiseeva with a few GlobeIn team members and artisans in Oaxaca, Mexico.

Listen in to our episode with Moiseeva for some inspiring takeaways:

  • GlobeIn’s origin story, its business model, and the products it sells.
  • How Moiseeva’s experience working with nonprofits led her to believe that charities might not always be the most sustainable way of solving social problems.
  • How community is the key to an effective and successful social good platform.
  • A look at one of GlobeIn’s recent initiatives, the Artisan Fund, and the impact it has made so far.
  • Advice for small brands looking to take things to the next level.
Bonus material: Get the full show notes and extras for this episode.

B the Change gathers and shares the voices from within the movement of people using business as a force for good and the community of Certified B Corporations. The opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the nonprofit B Lab.

Building a Global Community Around Ethical Shopping and Fair Trade Goods was originally published in B The Change on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Source: B the Change