Fifth Global Biodiversity Outlook (GBO5) Launch

The second meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) called for the preparation of a periodic report on biological diversity: the Global Biodiversity Outlook (GBO). It suggested that the Global Biodiversity Outlook should provide a summary of the status of biological diversity and an analysis of the steps being taken by the global community to ensure that biodiversity is conserved and used sustainably, and that benefits arising from the use of genetic resources are shared equitably. The fifth such report will be launched on 18 May 2020.

The fourth GBO was released in October 2014 and provided a mid-term assessment of progress towards the implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity’s Strategic Plan for Biodiversity.

date: 18 May 2020
location: Montreal-Est, Quebec, Canada

Source: IISD’s SDG Knowledge Hub – RSS Feed