You can help the planet and your business at the same time.

Interested in how to reinvent your business through the circular economy? You can learn more about how UPS is enabling the circular economy for small business on this webinar recording.

We are living in a time of unprecedented progress. The average consumer today leads a life rivaling royalty during the 19th century. There are more of us, we are living longer — and we are all consuming more goods, even in remote places of the planet.

But progress has come at a price.

Global warming, resource depletion and pollution threaten to derail the tremendous progress from the past century. According to Circle Economy, a consultancy, we reuse just 9 percent of materials consumed globally.

Even in the European Union, a leader in environmental protection, only 40 percent of total waste is recycled. Our hyper-charged consumption is even starting to lower our quality of life. According to the United Nations, 9 out of 10 people breathe polluted air every day.

Hence the need for a new economy, a circular one.

Unlocking new potential

A linear economy focuses on the build-use-discard approach, but a circular economy taps into a reuse and recycle system.

It’s not just about producing and consuming less but also producing and consuming in a smart way so everyone can benefit from our shared resources in a sustainable way.

The circular economy unlocks the potential of our resources through innovative business models, leading to sustainable solutions that transform everyday life.

Here are five ways the circular economy can help companies grow, reduce costs and innovate.

1) Design for the Environment

When developing new products, try to make them energy efficient and longer lasting. At the same time, use standardized components that are easy to disassemble, repair, recycle and upgrade.

2) Service and Trade

Create contracts based on service instead of selling. With trade-in programs that extend use of the product with customers and secondary markets, this shifts the transactional purchase of a product to a long-term relationship with customers.

3) Repair parts and products

Before throwing a product away, consider repairing it. Logistics companies like UPS have critical parts fulfillment networks that can deliver parts same or next business day so service technicians can make on-site equipment repairs.

4) Enable easy returns

Easy returns are not only convenient for your customers but often allow your business to quickly understand the reason for the return. This information can help you decide whether to resell an item, repair it or dispose it before it leaves the customer’s hands.

5) Resell returns

Companies like Optoro help optimize returns so your business minimizes financial loss.

They route returns and excess inventory to secondary markets where it can be resold, donated or recycled.

Rethinking everything

While the world is moving fast, slow down and look at your traditional business processes through a circular lens.

We find innovation and opportunity in unexpected places, which might help you rethink your relationship with customers, suppliers and the environment.

Doing good is also good business.

Tweet me: .@UPS experts say #circularthinking can unlock potential for more #sustainable solutions to #environmental challenges. Here are 5 ways the #CircularEconomy can help you grow your company, reduce costs and drive innovation.

Source: Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability and Cause Marketing News