
July 29, 2019
Why Global Citizens Should Care Ensuring people around the world have access to electricity and clean water is key to ending extreme poverty by 2030. Innovations from teams like the...
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Why Global Citizens Should Care Communities around the world are creatively working to mitigate the problem of plastic pollution in accordance with the United Nations’ Global Goals. India’s first plastic...
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Why Global Citizens Should Care Around 78% of grade four learners in South Africa can’t read for meaning. Global Citizen’s #RaiseTheGrade campaign is aimed at helping as many children as...
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Why Global Citizens Should Care Global Citizen campaigns on the UN Global Goals including Goal 3 for good health and wellbeing, which is aimed at ensuring access to quality healthcare...
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2015 was a landmark year in Sustainable Development for many reasons. Not only was it the year that the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted, but it also marked...
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