
July 8, 2019
By Carissa Drury Mpho Makutu is paying for his tertiary education — with trash. An enterprising inventor, Makutu’s interest in technology and self-driven pursuit of knowledge is enabling him to build remote-controlled...
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She eats sea grass, drinks milk from a rubber glove, snuggles up to passing canoes and frequently beaches herself. But these idiosyncrasies have not stopped an entire nation from falling...
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Solidia Technologies® Chief Scientist Vahit Atakan, Ph.D presented technologies that lower carbon emissions and carbonate concrete during the first annual International Low-Carbon Cement and Concrete Technologies (ILCCC). Leaders in cement...
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Why Global Citizens Should Care Africa is urbanising faster than any other continent in the world, but its cities can’t currently contain the number of people flocking to them. In...
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The report highlights that energy efficiency is critical to the G20’s efforts to facilitate energy transitions. It was presented during the G20 Ministerial Meeting on Energy Transitions and Global Environment...
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Why Global Citizens Should Care On any given night in Australia, 1 in 200 people experience homelessness. That’s around 116,000 people — a figure that has risen 13.5% in the...
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Why Global Citizens Should Care Education is key to empowering children living in poverty to make a living and break the cycle as adults. However, developing countries often lack the...
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