
July 1, 2019
Investors from around the globe are urging world government leaders to step up ambition on climate change and enact strong policies by 2020 to achieve the goals of the Paris...
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Today the Bridgestone Group published its Sustainability Report 2018-2019 highlighting strong progress toward its global commitment to help achieve a more sustainable society. Two years ahead of schedule, the Group exceeded its...
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The more naturally verdant an area is, the more likely it will contribute to the general health of the habitats and the organisms in and around it. Sometimes, though, tracing...
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Green jobs carry a lot of political capital these days. Be it the Green New Deal in the U.S. or the Green Industrial Revolution that the U.K.’s opposition Labour Party...
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When we think about transport, planes, trains and automobiles are the three modes that most readily spring to mind. In reality, no method shapes our world more than shipping. It...
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Why Global Citizens Should Care Plastic waste, if not recycled or properly managed, often becomes a harmful environmental pollutant that impacts life on land and in the oceans. Reducing plastic...
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The environment minister should consider farming interests before deciding whether to list threatened species, according to a long-delayed government review of how conservation laws could better serve the agriculture industry....
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Asia continues to be the fastest growing region in the world today. With its stable economic outlook, Malaysia remains at the center of the region’s development. However, rapid changes in...
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